INDLU EMNYAMA believes in the Revival of the African Miracle of Ancient Spirituality Driven by uBuntu to Regain the Moral Values of Society.
Blurb: The fundamental principles of restoring our African culture based on communalism and humanism spirit are indispensable for the revival of African society.
South Africa’s democracy post-1994 has been a disappointment for the majority population of the country which are primarily black and particularly Africans.
Without being cynical, we observe no atonement or restitution for this group of people since the acquisition of the Settlement in 1994 for a New South Africa.
Instead, what is perceptible is the continuation of segregation in all spheres of society based on class which in many ways is artificial.
Our daily observation shows the formation of a neocolonial society obsessed with decadence, where racial barriers are lowered for the political elite to settle on the other side, employing all means, immoral and shameful.
With this regard, allow me to cite Kwame Nkrumah the first President of Ghana “Citizenship within a society which will be rooted in cooperation and not acquisitive competition. To this end, Africa needs a new type of citizen, a dedicated, modest, honest, and informed man. A man who submerges himself in service to the nation and mankind. A man who abhors greed and detests vanity. A new type of man whose humility is his strength and whose integrity is his greatness.”
South Africans Must Unite for a Common Destiny
Throughout history, humanity has never experienced anything like the current power shift. Ever since the 15th century, Africans have been explored as a laboratory for all evils against humanity at the bottom of the world order.
African exploiters captured the African miracle of ancient spirituality using a variety of instruments. A range of exploitative instruments have been used to take the sacred cultural heritage and resources of the African people from the soil of Africa.
They are now able to dictate how the world is governed through politics, economics, and financial systems. Regretfully, African leadership regimes in Africa and the diaspora are still ignorant of upcoming developments deliberately designed to disadvantage African communities.
Current conditions demand leaders who can reclaim African cultures with a civilization capable of dominating economics, international finance, and scientific innovation. African leadership must be modeled on African culture, which must lead the evolution of modernization and civilization in the world.
The Self-Sufficiency and Revival Charter for Africans should manifest and express the African philosophy of sustained development and self-retrieval. This must be the Charter that navigates the way forward for Indigenous African people to take action on their plights in communities, thus the raison d’être for INDLU EMNYAMA revolution.
South Africa is the only nation where Africans can effectively advance and defend indigenous African interests. To improve their living conditions, South Africa’s indigenous people must act cohesively and mobilize as much as possible.
Democracy ought not to be exempted immune to critical analysis, we must question democracy and its implications to the broader African community. Doing so would amount to endorsing democracy without question, which would turn it into a religious sect.
This is what happens when academic research hesitates to look at the facts in favor of progressively preaching orthodox conclusions and designing subjects around an ideology. Thus, scholarship’s truth, the same with democracy gets compromised where the pinnacle is replaced by the crater.
The recent experience from the argument of compromised South African natives within a democratic establishment relating to Socrates’ prediction of the fall of democracy ought to provoke our thoughts “Democracy must fall because it will try to tailor to everyone, the poor will want the wealth of the rich, and democracy will give it to them.”
Young people will want to be respected as elderly and democracy will give it to them.’ Women will want to be men and democracy will give it to them.’ Foreigners will want the rights of the natives and democracy will give it to them.’
Thieves and fraudsters will want important government functions, and democracy will give it to them.’ And at that time, when thieves and fraudsters finally, and democratically take the authority because criminals and evil-doers want power, there will be worse dictatorship than in the time of any monarch or oligarchy” Socrates (470 – 399 B.C.).
We must be reminded of the visible and painful failures of South African democracy post-1994. In the first place our traditional kings, queens, and chiefs, who were and still are the guardians of God’s people’s land, were not properly consulted when South Africa was established in 1910.
Additionally, we observe that traditional authorities are pushed to the periphery of every concrete economic, political, and social decision-making platform for the people they lead, not by mere political affiliation but by God-ordained monarchy.
The dignity of African humanity can be revived by restoring the uBuntu philosophy in our communities, and that can be restored by African Christian spirituality in tandem with African culture under the custodianship of traditional leaders.
INDLU EMNYAMA ought to stand on these fundamental principles, that of restoring our African culture with the communalism and humanism spirit “Morena ke Morena ka Sechaba,’ “Umntu ngumntu ngabantu”