Nelson Mandela once said “What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.”
Mandela day it is all about making a difference and creating a positive impact in the world. Still I Rise Foundation together with Kamohelo Disability and Educational Center spend 67 minutes with children who are differently able from different centers at Thiboloa School For The Blind and Deaf on 19 July 2024.
According to the founder of Kamohelo Disability and Educational Center, Disebo Kutho the purpose of the event was to honour the life of South African’s icon Nelson Mandela.
The founder of Still I Rise Foundation, Chairmaine Thaele who is also a mother of a child living with disability said that their mission is to give back to the community by doing 67 minutes as an act of kidness with children living with disabilities from different centers.
The manager of Boxer Store Qwaqwa site 1, Mr Prince encouraged the teacher and the care takers of the children who are differently able to keep on doing the great work that they are doing for these children. “Keep on helping these kids and let us not give up on them because they are part our society and our country. Let us keep on uplift them and help them to discover their talents”, said Mr Prince.
The event was sponsored by Boxer Store,Pastor Samuel Raboteng,New Eye For All, Pastor Lombe, Mrs Nomvula Maseko and Mrs Moletsane from Serenity Women’s Prayer Club.
Artists who have performed at the event was Absaloot (Phakiso Moloi), Tygo mmeke (Tefo Buthelezi) and Stavo wa lehipi (Thapelo Modise).
Lunch was served and children were given to opportunity to dance and play.
We take note of your efforts. We sincerely appreciate the work pertaining to differently abled children. Yes, indeed all children are a blessing to the nation. Our forefather Nelson Mandela once philosophically remarked as follows, not exactly the order of his words : ” You can determine the soul of a nation by the way it treats its children”. Two of my children are differently abled. I got your connection through abuti Pule Thaele.